Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Eye Opener

Today was a total eye opener for me.  I realized how much I missed running and can't get enough of it.  Earlier today I ran two miles, my plan was to run a total of four miles to keep me on track for my training.  After running this morning, I did my errands and did my stuff around the house. 

Now, let me tell you, this is hard for me since I haven't ran in SO LONG.  So after getting the house settled and kids in bed, I started my run.  My intention was to run my remaining two miles...I ran and ran...and ran a total of 3.5 miles, making my total miles for today 5.5!!!  I burned a total of 578 calories and totally stolked! 

I know it's hard making that time to exercise and get up.  I know it's hard to not snack on a twinkie or chips.  I know it's hard to not drink soda.  But I know my health is more important, so instead of getting up to get a twinkie, chips and drink, walk over to your tennis shoes, put them on and walk for 30 minutes.

I had a 170 lbs of excuses to not do this, no I have 162 lbs of excuses to do this.  Take this small challenge and let me know how you do.  Join me on my journey.  If I can do it, you can to! 

All my best and just do it,
Vida :)

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